This came as a pleasant surprise to me today when I found that Apache Drill now also has an embedded Jetty-Jersey based REST service interface exposed for tracking the status of the Drillbit along with the status of submitted queries.
The interface can be checked out here once the Drillbit is running: http://localhost:8047/status
Exposed REST API’s:
|Task |Type |REST URI |
|Get Drillbit status |GET |http://localhost:8047/status |
|Get all submitted queries |GET |http://localhost:8047/queries |
|Get status of given query |GET |http://localhost:8047/query/{QUERY_ID} |
For single node installations, you can start the Sqlline shell and hit the above URI’s in your browser and check the corresponding Rest Response.
For developers: Checkout
for implementation details.
Hope the crisp post was helpful. Be tuned for code deep dive.
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