Quickly scribbled a function to get a plain csv out of mongo db json object. Use the script as you would call any shell script.
sh mongo_command.sh > social_data_tmp.csv
The mongo_command.sh has all the required mongo code, Something like –
mongo << EOF function printUserDetails(user){ if (user == undefined){ return; } print(user._id+','+ user.email+','+ user.birthday+','+ ((user.homeTown == undefined) ? '' : user.homeTown._id)+','+ cleanString((user.homeTown == undefined) ? '' : user.homeTown.name)+','+ ((user.location == undefined) ? '' : user.location._id) +','+ cleanString((user.location == undefined) ? '' : user.location.name)+','+ getNames(user.likes)); } db.facebookUserData.find().forEach(function(user){ printUserDetails(user); }); EOF